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Genius Blend-Nootropics | Supplements | 60 Capsules

Genius Blend-Nootropics | Supplements | 60 Capsules

Regular price $25.00 AUD
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Genius Blend Nootropics

1. Lion's Mane: Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is a medicinal mushroom revered for its cognitive-enhancing properties. Rich in compounds like hericenones and erinacines, it supports brain health by promoting nerve growth factor (NGF) production. Incorporating Lion's Mane into your routine may enhance memory, focus, and overall cognitive function, making it a valuable addition to your daily regimen.

2. Bacopa Monnieri: Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi, is an ancient Ayurvedic herb prized for its memory-enhancing and stress-reducing properties. Packed with antioxidants and saponins, Bacopa supports cognitive function by modulating neurotransmitter activity and promoting neuron communication. Experience sharper focus, improved learning, and reduced anxiety with the inclusion of Bacopa in Genisu Blend Nootropics.

3. Ginseng: Ginseng, a renowned adaptogenic herb, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its energy-boosting and stress-relieving effects. Rich in ginsenosides and other bioactive compounds, Ginseng enhances mental clarity, promotes vitality, and supports overall well-being. Incorporating Ginseng into your daily routine may help you combat fatigue and stay sharp throughout the day.

4. Rhodiola: Rhodiola rosea, known as the "golden root," is an adaptogenic herb celebrated for its ability to increase resilience to stress and fatigue. High in rosavins and salidroside, Rhodiola enhances cognitive function, boosts mood, and increases physical endurance. Including Rhodiola in Genisu Blend Nootropics can help you stay focused, alert, and mentally sharp, even during demanding tasks.

5. Cordyceps: Cordyceps mushroom is prized for its energizing and immune-boosting properties. Rich in polysaccharides and adenosine, Cordyceps enhances oxygen utilization, improves stamina, and supports overall vitality. Incorporating Cordyceps into your routine may enhance physical performance, reduce fatigue, and promote general well-being, making it an essential component of Genisu Blend Nootropics.

6. Alpha-GPC: Alpha-GPC (Alpha-glycerophosphocholine) is a natural choline compound that supports brain health and cognitive function. As a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter crucial for learning and memory, Alpha-GPC enhances mental focus, sharpens cognitive abilities, and promotes neuroplasticity. Including Alpha-GPC in Genisu Blend Nootropics can optimize brain function and support peak mental performance.

7. Noopept: Noopept is a synthetic nootropic compound renowned for its cognitive-enhancing effects. Known to improve memory, focus, and cognitive processing, Noopept acts as a neuroprotectant, promoting neuronal growth and synaptic plasticity. Incorporating Noopept into Genisu Blend Nootropics can elevate cognitive function, enhance learning capacity, and support long-term brain health.

Elevate your cognitive performance and unlock your full potential with Genisu Blend Nootropics, a synergistic blend of scientifically proven ingredients designed to optimize brain function and promote mental clarity. Experience the difference today!

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